Workshop on Logic and Reasoning

Workshop on Logic and Reasoning

November 8, 2024
Argentinean Society
of Philosophical Analysis (SADAF)
Buenos Aires, Argentina


Mariela Aguilera (CONICET / University of Córdoba)
Pablo Cobreros (University of Navarra)
Ondrej Majer (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Martín Martínez Villar (University of Navarra)

The Workshop will have a hybrid format. To attend via Zoom, please send an email to detailing your name and institution, and we will send you the link to the Zoom meetings.

Martín Martínez Villar: “Explosion and implosion. A tentative inventory”

As it is well known, non-explosive logics like LP have dual “non-implosive” logics like K3. From a purely theoretical perspective, the merits and faults of one logic transpose to the other in dual form, and this symmetry seems to show that there’s no possible preference of one over the other. But perhaps there is a factual preference of naïve speakers (speakers without specific training in logic) for one over the other. In this talk we present the plot of an inventory designed to measure naïve speaker’s preferences about explosion and “implosion” (excluded middle). We also present the results of pilot experiences with students in Navarra.

This is a joint work with Pablo Cobreros.

Eduardo Barrio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
Aylén Bavosa Castro (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
Jonathan Erenfryd (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
Camila Gallovich (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)


This Workshop aims to analyze the interrelations between substructural logics and reasoning, with a particular focus on recent experimental results in the area.


We are thankful for the support provided by CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina); and PLEXUS and MOSAIC (two Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme; grant agreement nos. 101086295 and 101007627, respectively).

PLEXUS Project Logo

PLEXUS Project Logo

MOSAIC Project Logo

PLEXUS Project Logo