
WIP Archive

Current year schedule


Date Paper Presented by
March 15th “Recovering Classical Logic with Mixed logics based on
Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
March 22nd “Metareferential vagueness” Agustina Borzi (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
March 29th Holidays  
April 05th “Non-deterministic matrices for cocanonical and semi-cocanonical deduction systems” Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
April 12th “Asserting validity: a meta-inferential approach” Jonathan Erenfryd (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
April 19th “The dialogical meaning of the structural/substructural distinction”

Miguel Alvarez


April 26th “On Many-Valued Logics and Structural Failures” Joaquín Toranzo (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 3rd “SS, TT, and transitive (dual) closure”. Bruno Da Ré (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 10th “The pragmatics of deontic modality” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 17th II Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Logic  
May 24th “On Meta-Explosion” Sandra Cuenca (IIF-UNAM)
May 31st “Contrastive knowledge meets topic-sensitive belief” Joao Miranda (CFUL – University of Lisbon)
June 7th

 “Free-variable KE-style tableaux for IPL” 

Alejandro Solares (University of Buenos Aires)

June 14th  “Semantics approach for multiple operators of belief change” Ricardo Rodriguez (University of Buenos Aires)
June 21st Holidays  
June 28th  “Classical Recapture and Logical Constants” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
July 05th SLALM  
July 12th

“Instantiation Patterns”

Carlo Nicolai (King’s College London)

July 19th Winter School  
July 26th XIII Workshop on Philosophical Logic   
August 02nd XIII Workshop on Philosophical Logic   
August 09th Winter School  
August 16th “Another way logic cannot be normative” Aylen Bavosa Castro (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
August 23rd “ST’s Meta-Paracompleteness” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
August 30th

What Does a (Quantum) Implication Implies?

Alejandro Fernandez. Cuesta (Complutense University of Madrid)
September 6th “Limitative results for naive paradoxicality” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
September 13th “Compatibility and Conditionals from a Non-Classical Perspective”

Martina Zirattu (University of Torino) 

September 20th “Modal Weak Kleene Logics.” Nicolò Zamperlin (University of Cagliari) 
September 27th “Natural Deduction for all the logics of the Strong Kleene Family” Miguel Alvarez Lisboa (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
Oct 4

Reading Group:
““Yes,” “No,” Neither, and Both Bilateral Systems for the FDE Family” 
Ryan Simonelli

Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
Oct 11 Holidays   
Oct 18 “Dynamic
semantics with mixed content expressions”
Oct 25 “Axiomatic System for ST” Edson Bezerra (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
Nov 1st

“More semantics for Angell’s logic of Analytic Containment”

Nov 8th Workshop on Logic and Reasoning.    
Nov 15th “Logic Through Antivalidity¨” Jonathan Erenfryd (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
Nov 22th “Evaluating LLM reasoning capabilities through reasoning minimal pairs and simulations” Joaquín Toranzo (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
Nov 29th “Psicologismo y normatividad en lógica”. Alba Massolo (University of Cordoba)  
Dic 6 Tutorial on AGM Ricardo Rodriguez (UBA) and Daniel Grimaldi (UBA)
Dic 13 III Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Logic  
Dic 20

“Believing beyond truth and falsity”

 “A game for approximating CPL”. 

Aylen Bavosa Castro (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)

Alejandro Solares Rojas (University of Buenos Aires)


Date Paper Presented by
March 03rd “Conditional Fairness” Eleonora Cresto (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
March 10th “The Kripkean Turn” Camila Gallovich (University of Buenos Aires)
March 17th “Revisión lógica según AGM” Aylen Castro (University of Buenos Aires)
March 24th The Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice Holiday
March 31st “Revisiting McGee’s counterexample to Modus Ponens” Nicolás Loguercio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
April 07th Easter holidays  
April 14th
“Modality, self-reference and (non) bivalence: the case of some modal extensions of ST.”
April 21st Workshop in Córdoba  
April 28th “Taut 2.” Ariel Roffé (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 5th “The Metalinguistic Comma in Weak Kleene Logics “ Agustina Borzi (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 12th “Condicionales Trivaluados” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 19th “Negative reasoning and logical rules”.


May 26th   holidays
June 2nd “Non-exhaustive and non-exclusive structural solutions to the Validity Paradox” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
June 9th “Shameless Classicality” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
June 16th First workshop NUS / BA-logic  
June 23rd “The metaphysics of relativism” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
June 30th

“A Dynamic Epistemic Procedure for
Information Evaluation”

Benjamin Icard (Jean Nicod Institute)
July 07th “Recapturing Structural Properties with a Consistency Operator”.  Miguel Alvarez Lisboa (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 
July 14th “An Open Problem for Classical Recapture in Many-Valued Logics” Martina Zirattu (Universidad de Turin)
July 21st

“Metafibring as a formal framework for combining metainferences” 

Marcelo Coniglio (CLE-UNICAMP)
July 28th CLMPST  
August 04th Workshop XII on Philosophy of Logic  
August 11th “Weak Ensconcement for Shielded Base Contraction.” Alejandro Mercado (UBA)
August 18th

 “ST and TS as Product and Sum.”

Quentin Blomet (Jean Nicod Institute)
August 25th
Non-Foundationalist Frameworks for Logical Metainferentialism
Bogdan Dicher (University of Lisbon)
September 01st
“A non-reflexive logic that has the same valid inferences that classical logic” 
September 8th “Intuitionism and the BA-Plan: A Teaser Trailer” Miguel Alvarez (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 
September 15th “Metainferential Negation Reloaded” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 
September 22nd AFRA  
September 29th “Metainferential connexive principles”.  Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 
October 06th

“Tableaux para lógicas metainferenciales”.

“On the Criteria for Identifying Logics”


Camillo Fiore (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 

October 13th
October 20th
“Taking Seriously World Semantics for Belief Change”.  B-403 
Daniel Grimaldi (University of Buenos Aires)
October 27th “An efficient system for IPL and its depth-bounded approximations”

Alejandro Solares (CONICET)

November 03rd B-903 

“Logics, Interpretations and Informal Rigor”

Edson Bezerra (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 
November 10th “Enriched meanings for slurs?” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET) 
November 17th “Ungroundedness in Yablo’s theory of dependence” Camila Gallovich (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
November 24th

Workshop On Logic and Philosophy of Logic


Rashed Ahmad (Kuwait University) – Bas Kortenbach (Scuola Normale Superiore) – Ondrej Majer (Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

December 01st “Generic Validity” Jack Woods (University of Leeds)
December 08th Holliday   
December 15th “Substructural approaches to paradox, 10 years later” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
December 22th    
December 29th    


Date Paper Presented by
March 11th

“Non-reflexive Nonsense”

Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
March 18th La semántica de las contradicciones limítrofes Agustina Borzi (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
March 25th “Sketch of a theory of vagueness” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
April 1st “Entailment Matrices: from permissions and prohibitions to obligations” Joaquín Toranzo (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
April 8th “A solution to the problem of mixed inferences by juxtaposition” Carlos Benito (Logos – Universitat de Barcelona)
April 15th Holiday   
April 22nd “Indicatives conditionals, trivaluations and the no propositional thesis” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
April 29th

“Informational Modals”

Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
May 6th “Metainferential Intuitionistic Logic: the Formal System” Miguel Alvarez (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 13th “Metalogic and Metainferences” Eduardo Barrio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
May 20th “A Weakening-free solution to V-Curry” Bruno Da Re (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
May 27th   Workshop UNAM / BA-Logic  
June 3rd

“Higher-Level Global Validity”

Bas Kortenbach (University of Amsterdam)
June 10th

“Reflexive and Transitive Classical Logic”

Camillo Fiore (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
June 17th Holiday  
July 1st

“Metainferential-substructural validity theories”

Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
July 8th “Expressives and Argument Extension”  Nicolás Loguercio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
July 15th “Substructural Logics and Metainferences” Eduardo Barrio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
July 22nd “Towards a Dependence Theory of Paradoxicality” Camila Gallovich Palermo (University of Buenos Aires)  
July 29th “No-determinismo metainferencial” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
August 5th

“Are Complete Deep Disagreements in Logic Possible?”

Aylen Bavosa Castro (University of Buenos Aires)  & Rocio Roitman (University of Buenos Aires) 
August 12th BA-Logic WORKSHOP   
August 19th BA-Logic WORKSHOP:  “Some sequent calculuses for some relevance logic”.  Katalin Bimbo (University of Alberta)
August 26th “Bilateralismo y criterios de clasicalidad” Joaquín Toranzo (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
September 2nd    
September 9th “The metaphysics of relativism” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
September 16th “Structural connectives as logical connectives” Agustina Borzi (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
September 23rd
Paraconsistency, Duality and Hierarchies of Logics. 
September 30st “Modal Theory of Consequence”  Edson Bezerra (University of Campinas – IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
October 14th “Revisión
Moderada: una nueva manera de generar operadores no-priorizados”.
Ricardo Rodriguez (University of Buenos Aires)
October 21st “Conditionals and Liars” Mariela Rubin (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
October 28th “Second thoughts on trivialization (or how I learned stop worrying and love the bomb)” Miguel Alvarez (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
November 4th “Epistemic Approaches to Goal-Oriented Logics” Alba Cuenca (University of Monash)
November 11th TBA

Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)

November 18th “A sufficient conditions semantics for metainferences” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
November 25th Workshop on Logic and Philosophy   
2nd December Coloquio SADAF 2022.   
9th December Holiday  
16th December  “Derivative normativity and logical pluralism” Diego Tajer (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)


Date Paper Presented by
March 5th “Focusing, axioms and synthetic inference rules” Elaine Pimentel (UFRN) & Sonia Marin (University College London)
March 12th

“Abnormal Connectives”

Paula Teijeiro (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
March 19th “Accepting Modus Ponens” Eduardo Barrio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
March 26th

“Satisfaction in metainferential logics”

Ariel Roffé (CONICET / UBA) & Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
April 2nd Holidays  
April 9th “Basic Logic: Completeness theorems” Manuela Busaniche [UNL]
April 16th “Negación como exclusión” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
April 23rd “Three valued Classical Logic” Bruno Da Re (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
April 30th “Intensional harmony via isomorphism” Luca Tranchini (Tübingen University)
May 7th “Inferential constants” Camillo Fiore (University of Buenos Aires)
May 14th “On sequent calculi for Classical Logic where Cut is admissible” Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
May 21st

“Varieties of relevant S5”

Shawn Standefer (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
May 28th Workshop: UNAM/BA-Logic  
June 4th “Free ST!” Elio La Rosa (LMU Munich)
 June 11th “Utilities and epistemic risk” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
June 18th “The Kripkean Conception of Paradoxicality” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
June 25th “Updating the Belief Promotion Operator” Ricardo Rodriguez (University of Buenos Aires) & Gabriel Grimaldi (University of Buenos Aires)
July 2nd “Why metainferences matter?” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
July 9th Holidays  
July 16th “Un marco unificado para relaciones de consecuencia lógica”. Joaquín Toranzo (University of Buenos Aires)
July 23rd    
July 30th “Esbozo de una teoría dialógica de la verdad” Miguel Alvarez (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
August 6th WX on Philosophical Logic: Adoption Problem  
August 13th
WX on Philosophical Logic: Metainferences and Proof-theory
August 20th WX on Philosophical Logic: Classical vs Non-classical logics  
August 27th WX on Philosophical Logic: Logical connectives  
September 3rd “Deontic modals
are not assessment sensitive”
September 10th “Proof-theoretic semantics and the problem of completeness” Thomas Piecha (Universität Tübingen)
September 17th “A Perlocutionary Account of Dogwhistling” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA) & Nicolás Lo Guercio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
September 24th “Superveniencia semantica en modelos de punto fijo” Camila Gallovich (University of Buenos Aires)
October 1st “Sobre matrices potencia y semánticas plurivalentes” Eliana Franceschini (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
October 8th Holiday  
October 15th
“Normatividad y pluralismo en los estudios sobre el razonamiento humano”
Alba Massolo (UNC)
October 22nd “Conclusiones Múltiples Conjuntivas” Camillo Fiore (UBA)
October 29th

“El problema de la adopción. Sobre la asimetría entre adopción y abandono de una lógica.”

November 5th  “A Revenge Paradox for ST”. Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
November 12th “Logical Commitment, Levels of Entailment, and Curry”


Shay Logan (Kansas State University)
November 19th

“Logical AGM Belief Revision”

Aylén Bavosa Castro (UBA)
November 26th
“Algunas traducciones modales y temporales de la Lógica Básica Generalizada.”
William Zuluaga (Universidad Nacional del Centro)
December 3rd “Intuitionistic logic from a metainferential perspective” Miguel Alvarez (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
December 10th “A dual theory of logical normativity”


“The elimination calculus and Cut admissible calculi for Classical Logic”




December 17th “Inferential-connexive Strong-Kleene logics” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)


Date Paper Presented by
February 12th “A Survey in Iterated Belief Change” Eduardo Fermé (Universidade da Madeira)
March 6th

“The representation of gappy sentences in four-valued semantics”

José Martinez (University of Barcelona)
March 13th “Bilateralism and Probabilistic Logics” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF-CONICET/ UBA)
March 20th “A Simple Solution to the Collapse Problem for Logical Pluralism” Diego Tajer (IIF-SADAF-CONICET/ UBA)
March 27th “The Logic of Reflective Altruism” Eleonora Cresto (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
April 3rd “Contrastando reconstrucciones con herramientas computacionales: una aplicación a la cladística” Ariel Roffé (UBA)
April 10th “A truly empty logic, or how to be a nihilistic and a monist at the same time” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
April 17th “Nulla propositio est negativa” Manuel Dahlquist (Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral UNL)
April 24th

“Explicating disagreement”

May 1st Holidays  
May 8th “Pluralismo y normatividad en lógica” Alba Massolo (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
May 15th “Derivability and Metainferential Validity” Bruno Da Re (IIF-SADAF-CONICET/ UBA), Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF-CONICET/ UBA) y Paula Teijeiro (IIF-SADAF-CONICET/ UBA).
May 22nd “Slurs and Anti-presuppositions” Nicolás Lo Guercio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
May 29th “Negación lógica y no determinismo” Eliana Franceschini (UBA)
 June 5th “Sequent-calculi for metainferential Logics: some applications” Bruno DaRé (IIF-SADAF-CONICET/ UBA)
June 12nd “Wovon man nicht sprechen kann… etc. Logical Nihilism and its ineffability” Miguel Álvarez Lisboa (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
June 19st “The fragment of Classical Logic that respects the Variable-Sharing Principle” Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / UBA)
June 26th

“Twitter Community Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Ignacio Ojea (Australian National University)
July 3rd “Logical Deviance, Embarrassment and Hypocrisy” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF-CONICET / University of Buenos Aires)
July 10th “Supervaluations and the Strict-Tolerant Hierarchy” Brian Cross Porter (CUNY)
July 17th “El Problema de la Adopción y la revisabilidad de la lógica” Camillo Fiore (UBA)
July 24th “El problema de la adopción y el estatus normativo de la lógica” Sergio Chamorro (UBA)
July 31th ¿Puede lo no-formal fundar lo formal? Una crítica a las nociones no formales como fundamento de la lógica. Isis Urgell (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
August 7th

“Lógica y razonamiento, asuntos separados”

David Moscoso (UBA)
August 14th “The Adoption problem and Logical Rules” Romina Padró (SKC-CUNY)
August 21st On abstract F-systems:
A graph-theoretic model for paradoxes involving a falsity
predicate and its application to argumentation frameworks
Gustavo Bodanza (CONICET-UNS)
August 28th Workshop on Substructural Logics and Metainferences BA-Logic
September 4th Workshop IX: On Philosophical Logic BA-Logic
September 11th Workshop IX: On Philosophical Logic BA-Logic
September 18th “Yet another hyperintensional theory of content” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
September 25th “Validity & Chances” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
October 2nd “Fundamentality and Non-Symmetric Dependence” Bruno Borge (UBA-CONICET)
October 9th

“How the metainferential ST-theories contain the validities that they obey”

Eduardo Barrio (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
October 16th “All the way up” Paula Teijeiro (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
October 23rd “Metainferential Paraconsistency” Bruno Da Ré (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
October 30th “Lógicas Modales, Híbridas y Dinámicas” Carlos Areces (CONICET- FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
November 6th “Are logical theories about metainferences?” Omar Vazquez (UGS)
November 13th “Non-transitive counterparts of every Tarskian logic” Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
November 20th “The Final Cut” Elia Zardini (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
November 27th “, A Python framework for mathematical logic” Ariel Roffe (UBA-CONICET)
December 4th “A Song of Proofs and Truth: A Type-Theoretic Interpretation of Ecumenical Logic” Miguel Álvarez Lisboa (IIF-SADAF-CONICET)
December 11th “El Problema de la Adopción y el Principio de Tolerancia” Joaquín Toranzo (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
December 18th “Harmony without Identity or Cut”. Francesco Paoli (Università degli Studi di Cagliari)



Date Paper Presented by
March 1st “Kuhnian anti-exceptionalism about logic” Diego Tajer (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
March 8th “Disjoint logics” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
March 15th “A Paraconsistent Framework for Belief Change” Sena Bozdag (MCMP)
March 22nd “Explicating ‘Explication’ via Conceptual Spaces”. Matteo De Benedetto (MCMP)
March 29th “Deflationism and Logical Consequence” Lavinia Picollo (University College London)
April 5th “Lógicas de la Inclusión de Contenido” Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
April 12th “The metaphysics of relativism” Ramiro Caso (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
April 19th Holidays  
April 26th “De hecho, otro mundo es posible” Juan Manuel Di Leo (University of Buenos Aires)
May 3rd “The Many Ways of the Basing Relation”. Tommaso Piazza (Pavia University).
May 10th “Non-monotonicity and Paradox” Bruno Da Ré (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
May 17th “Metainferences and their critics” Eduardo Barrio / Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
May 24st “Expressing Consistency Consistently” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
June 1st

“A Modal Semantic Approach to Generalized Provability”

Giorgio Venturi (UNICAMP)
June 7th “Arithmetical and geometrical descriptions” John Mumma (California State University)
June 14st TBA Paula Teijeiro (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
June 21th

“La lógica correcta y el pluralismo lógico”

David Moscoso (University of Buenos Aires)
June 28th “Negación Estricta y Sistemas Multivaluados” Isis Urgell (University of Buenos Aires)
July 5th “Coherencia y armonía” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
July 12th “Pure Logics” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
July 19th “Random Generators of Formulae”. Ariel Roffé (University of Buenos Aires) & Joaquín Toranzo (University of Buenos Aires)
July 26th “A Many Standard Way to Define a Logic” Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
August 2nd VIII Workshop on Philosophical Logic  
August 9th “Explanations in argumentation and statement graphs” Martin Jedwabny (University of Buenos Aires)
August 16th “Philosophical Definitions” Gustavo Arroyo (UNGS)
August 23th “Logical Principles As
Restricted Generalizations (Even The More General Ones)”
Omar Vazquez (UNGS)
August 30th “Substructural logics, pragmatic enrichment, and the inferential role of logical constants”

Pilar Terrés Villalonga (University of Barcelona)

September 6th TBA Federico Pailos (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires),
September 13th “Sobre la disyunción de Gödel” Alba Cuenca (University of Buenos Aires)
September 20th TBA Francesco Ferrari (CLE-Campinas University)
September 27th “Empirical laws as revision rules” Ariel Roffe (CONICET – University of Buenos Aires)
October 4th “Coherencia y coherencia” Mariela Rubín (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
October 11th “Lambda cálculo como sistema de pruebas para una lógica de la computación cuántica”



“Model theory based on pragmatic structures for 3-valued first-order
paraconsistent logics: the case of QCiore”

Alejandro Díaz-Caro (University of Buenos Aires)



Marcelo Coniglio (CLE-Campinas)

October 18th “ST Hierarchies, Philosophical Readings
and their Applications”
Eduardo Barrio (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
October 25th “The discursive life of slurs” Nicolás Lo Guercio (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
November 1st Workshop Sadaf  
November 8th

“Pluralismo Lógico: Resolviendo problemas con Lógicas Mixtas”

Joaquín Toranzo (University of Buenos Aires)
November 15nd

“Immune Logics”

Damian Szmuc (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires) & Bruno Da Ré (IIF-SADAF – Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
November 22th “Towards a Non-Classical Meta-Theory for Substructural Approaches to Paradox” Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-SADAF Conicet-University of Buenos Aires)
November 29th Workshop on Metainferences Bogdan Dicher (University of Lisbon) Andreas Fjellstad (University of Bergen)
December 13th “Reductio ad Absurdum: The Ultimate Collector’s Guide” Miguel Alvarez (IIF-SADAF-Conicet)
December 20th “Truth in fiction and incremented content” Eduarda Calado (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet)



Date Paper Presented by
 March 2nd “Some remarks on the presuppositional account of proper names”  Nicolas Lo Guercio  (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 March 9th  “Weakening & Truth”  Bruno DaRe (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
March 16th  “Meaningless divisions”  Damian Szmuc  (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 March 23th  “Subject matter and disagreement”  Ramiro Caso (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
March 30th Holidays  
 April 6th  “Vagueness and Logical Connectives”  Paula Teijeiro (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 April 13th

“Nomological (Neo)-Humeanism”

 Bruno Borge (Conicet – UBA)
 April 20th “A family of metainferential propositional logics” Federico Pailos   (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 April 27th “La metateoría como ciencia empírica: testeando reconstrucciones formales con Reconstructor”  Ariel Roffé (Conicet – UBA)
 May 4th  “Espacios para el desacuerdo en el pluralismo lógico”  Joaquín Toranzo (UBA)
  May 11th  “On structural contraction and why it fails”  Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
  May 18th “The Normative Autonomy of Logic” Diego Tajer (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 May 25th  Holidays  
 June 1st   “Preclusion as a modal relation”  Ramiro Caso (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 June 8th  “Plenitud, recombinación y realismo modal”  Juan Manuel Di Leo (UBA)
 June 15th  “Two mixed and impure (non-p and non-q) substructural logics”.  Federico Pailos (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 June 22th  “Vagueness and Logical Notions”  Paula Teijeiro (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 June 29th “La autonomía lógica de la ética” Camillo Fiore (UBA)
 July 6th  Reading group: Restall’s book  
  July 13th  Reading group: Restall’s book  
  July 20th “An Epistemic Halpern-Shoham Logic for Gradable
 Krystian Jobczyk (AGH University of Science and Technology – Kraków)
 July 27th Reading group: Restall’s book  
 August 3rd  VII Workshop on Philosophical Logic  
 August 10th “Enfoques no transparentes y función infinitaria de la verdad” Camilo Fiore (University of Buenos Aires)
 August 17th “Inferences without Rules? A reluctant attempt” Romina Padró (SKC – CUNY)
 August 24th “A Sequence of Metainferentially Many-valued Notions of Entailment” Eduardo Barrio (IIF-Conicet – University of Buenos Aires)
 August 31th

“Plenitud, recombinación y realismo modal”

Juan Manuel Di Leo (University of Buenos Aires)
 September 7th “Transparencia de la Verdad y Negación no Determinista” Eliana Franceschini (University of Buenos Aires)
 September 14th

“Topic-neutrality and Logical Revision”

Omar Vazquez  (University of Buenos Aires)
 September 21th

“Una nueva opción cuatrivaluada para el trabajo con paradojas.”

Isis Urgell (University of Buenos Aires)
 September 28th “Pluralismos y las propiedades clásicas de la lógica” David Moscoso (University of Buenos Aires)
 October 5th “Disagreement in Science” Bruno Borge (Conicet – University of Buenos Aires) – Nicolás Lo Guercio (CLE-Unicamp)
October 12th TBA Ariel Roffe (Conicet – University of Buenos Aires)
October 19th “Quine, Richard and similarity of content” Ramiro Caso (IIF-Conicet – University of Buenos Aires)
 October 26th “Kuhnian anti-exceptionalism and classical logic” Diego Tajer (IIF-Conicet – University of Buenos Aires)
 November 2nd “An algebraic study of the first order  intuitionistic fragment of Lukasiewciz 3-valued logic” Aldo Figallo-Orellano (Universidad Nacional del Sur)
November 9th “Two Mixed and Impure (non-p and non-q) Logics”. Federico Pailos (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
 November 16th “Logical formalizations of (fuzzy) similarity-based reasoning”


“On (strict) coherence: probability, geometry and logic.”

Lluis Godo, (IIIA – CSIC, Spain)


Tommaso Flaminio (Ramon y Cajal Researcher – Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain)

 November 23th “Some considerations about the duality between ST and TS” Bruno Da Ré (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA),  Damian Szmuc (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA) and Paula Teijeiro (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA).
November 30 “Enfoques paraconsistentes sobre la disyunción de Gödel.” Alba Cuenca (University of Buenos Aires)
December 7th “Paradoxes, Hypodoxes, and More.” Camila Gallovich Palermo (University of Buenos Aires) & Lucas Rosenblatt (IIF-Sadaf-Conicet – UBA)
December 14th Workshop on Validity and Metainferences 3:00 hs to 4:15 hs – Andreas Fjellstad, “Metainferential troubles for the validity predicate


4:30 hs to 5:45 hs – Paula Teijeiro, Bruno Da Re, Federico Pailos and Damián Szmuc, “Some considerations about duality and metainferences

6:00 to 7:15 – Ulf Hlobil, “Towards a Self-Sufficient Logic for Inferentialists”

December 21th “Kripke’s Fixed Point Construction and the V-Curry Paradox” Brian Cross Porter (CUNY)


Date Paper Presented by
 March 17th (15:00) “Sequent Calculi for Theories of Truth based on Infectious Logics”


(17:30) “Consequence relations without valid sentences, inferences and metainferences”.

Bruno Da Re (Conicet – UBA), Pailos (Conicet – UBA) & Szmuc (Conicet – UBA)




Federico Pailos (Conicet – UBA)

 Marh 24th  Holiday  
 March 31th “Inconsistency, Paraconsistency and omega-inconsistency” Bruno DaRe (Conicet – UBA)
 April 7th “Making a world of chance” Ramiro Caso (Conicet – UBA)
 April 14th Holiday  
April 21th “What is a paraconsistent Logic” Barrio (Conicet – UBA), Pailos (Conicet – UBA) & Szmuc (Conicet – UBA)
 April 28th “Against Moderate Epistemic Akrasia”. Nicolás Loguercio (Conicet – UBA)
 May 5th “Refinements of Orthopairs and IUML-algebras” Stefania Boffa  (Università dell’Insubria, Italy.)
 May 12th “Comparing Methods of Classical Recapture” Diego Tajer  (Conicet – UBA)
 May 19th “Acceptance, Rejection and Off-Topic in Weak Kleene Logics” Damian Szmuc (Conicet – UBA)
 May 26th “Subvaluationism with consistency operators” Paula Teijeiro (Conicet – UBA)
 June 2nd  “Evidencia en lógica” Omar Vazquez ( UBA)
 June 9th  “Estructuralismo fácil para el lógico moderno”. Ariel Roffe (Conicet – UBA)
 June 16th “A substructural classical logic for a theory of transparent truth” Federico Pailos (Conicet – UBA)
 June 23rd “Being in disagreement” Ramiro Caso (Conicet – UBA)
 July 7th “Algebraic Semantics for BL-Possilistic Logic”  Ricardo Rodriguez (UBA)
 July 14th

15:00 “Recent developments on the ecumenical perspective”

17:30 “Pluralismo sin preservación de verdad”

Luiz Carlos Pereira (PUC – Rio)


Joaquín Toranzo (UBA)

 July 21st “In Defense of Multiple Conclusions” Lucas Rosenblatt (Conicet – UBA)
 July 28th “Eliminating Cuts on Bullets”  Andreas Fjellstad (University of Bergen– Norway)
 August 4th 6th Workshop on Philosophical Logic
 August 11th  Workshop Sadaf  
 August 18th Hierarchies of Paraconsistency and Classicality  Eduardo Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc
 August 25th “Why is there anything at all? The probabilistic answer”



“Varieties of fundamentality”

Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (University of Oxford – Conicet)


Tuomas Tahko (University of Helsinki-Finland)

 September 1st Reading Group  
 September 8th “What’s really wrong with Empiricist Structuralism? The Pragmatics of Representation and Common Sense Realism”  Bruno Borge (UBA)
 September 15th “Measuring Tie Strength in Implicit Social Networks”



“Two New(ish) Triviality Results for Indicative Conditionals”

Tina Eliassi-Rad (Northeastern University – NETSCI Institute and Computer Science)


Branden Fitelson (Northeastern University – Department of Philosophy)

 September 22th “Classes, Why and How”  Thomas Schindler (University of Cambridge)
 September 29th “Deflationism Broadened”  Lavina Picollo (MCMP)
 October 6th “On transitivity and undecidability of some lattice-based modal logics” Amanda Vidal (Institute of Computer Sciences, Czech Academy of Sciences)
 October 13th “Paraconsistency and Philosophical Interpretations” E. Barrio (Conicet-UBA) & B.DaRe (Conicet-UBA)
 October 20th Is it possible to gain new knowledge by deduction? Nancy Abigail Nuñez (UNAM)
 October 27th  “Subject matter relatedness and disagreement”  Ramiro Caso (Conicet-UBA)
 November 3rd  “Logic, Justification and Normativity”  Natalia Buacar (UBA)
 November 10th  Juan Larreta Lectures Paulo Faría (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
 November 17th “RI-logics, provability logic and the modal logic of generic absoluteness.” Giorgio Venturi (CLE-Campinas)
 November 24th  “LFIs and methods of classical recapture”  Diego Tajer (Conicet – UBA)
 December 1st “About two ways to understand metainferences”. Pailos Federico (Conicet – UBA)
 December 8th “Negation, contradiction and non-determinism in inconsistent solutions to semantic paradoxes”  Eliana Franceschini (UBA)
 December 15th “Meta-Validity” Paula Teijeiro (Conicet – UBA)
 December 22th  “Truth and Invalidities”  Lucas Rosenblatt (Conicet – UBA)
 December 29th  “A variety of metainferential consequence relations”  Federico Pailos (Conicet – UBA)


February 26th 15:00 Lucas Rosenblatt (Conicet – UBA) ” “What counts as a naive validity predicate?”


17: 30  Elia Zardini (University of Lisbon)  “Against the World”

March 4th 15:00 Juan Redmond (Universidad de Valparaíso) “Dialogical Harmony: Tonk, constructive type theory and rules for anonymous players”


17: 30 Elía Zardini (University of Lisbon) “Instability and Contraction”

March 11th Lavinia Picollo (MCMP – CONICET) “Truth and Second-order quantification”
March 18th Ramiro Caso (UBA) “Rescuing untyped pluralism”
March 25th Easter Week
April 1st Thomas Schindler (University of Cambridge) “A deflationary account of classes”
April 8th Nicolás Lo Guercio (CONICET) “Moderate Epistemic Akrasia and Doxastic Rationality”
April 15th Damian Szmuc (CONICET – UBA) “Infectious Logics and Bilattices”
April 22th 3rd Workshop CLE – BA Logic
April 29th Ariel Roffé (CONICET- UBA) “Optimality and Fitness”
May 6th Natalia Buacar (UBA) “Los desafíos planteados por tonk”
May 13th Ramiro Caso (UBA) “Being in disagreement”
May 20th Paula Teijeiro (CONICET – UBA) “Sobre tonk”
May 27th Mariela Rubin (UBA) “Tonk, conservatividad y reglas estructurales”
June 3th Lucas Rosenblatt (CONICET  – UBA) “Inferentialism and Naive Validity”
June 10th 4th Colloqium of Young Researchers in Analytic Philosophy
June 17th Holidays
June 24th Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Paris VIII) “Kurt Gödel: What is Mathematical Objectivity?”
July 1th  Federico Pailos (CONICET – UBA) “How to use a consistency operator to make accurate translations”
July 8th  Eduardo Barrio (CONICET – UBA) “De qué hablan las LFIs?”
July 15th  Stephan Hartmann (MCMP) “Learning (causal) conditionals”
July 22h  Bruno Da Ré (CONICET – UBA) “Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic: Semantic paradoxes and vagueness”
July 29th  Damian Szmuc (CONICET – UBA) “A general framework of Routley-Meyer semantics for Infectious Logics”
August 5th  Federico Pailos (CONICET – UBA) “A Naive validity predicate for a dialetheist theory”
August 12th  Luiz Carlos Pereira (PUC – Rio) “The syntax and semantics of the ecumenical : classical and intuitionistic logic coexisting peacefully”
August 19th  Paula Teijeiro (CONICET – UBA) “A Pretty Classical Tonk for the Simple Semanticist”
August 26th Bruno Borge (UBA) “Realismo Estructural Epistémico, Leyes y Modalidad”
September 2th  Ramiro Caso (CONICET – UBA) “A Simple Predicate View of Proper Names”
September 9th Lavinia Picollo (MCMP) “Deflationism and Second-Order Quantification”
September 16th Nicolás Lo Guercio (CONICET – UBA) “What bigots do say: a reply to Difranco”
September 23th  Lucas Rosenblatt (CONICET – UBA) “Varieties of noncontractivism”.
September 30th Juan Manuel Di Leo  “Hacedores de verdad, cuantificación y mundos posibles.”
October 7nd  Diego Tajer (CONICET – UBA) “The normative role of paraconsistency: a response to Steinberger”
October 14th  Eduardo Alejandro Barrio (CONICET – UBA) “Models & Proofs: LFIs without a Canonical Interpretation”
October 21th Ariel Roffe, (CONICET – UBA)”Sobre el estatus del concepto de deriva en la teoría evolutiva – conclusiones desde una reconstrucción formal de la genética de poblaciones”
November 11th Damián Szmuc (CONICET – UBA),  “Connexive Logics and LFIs”
November 18th Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez “Fuzzy Neighbordhood Semantics”
November 25th V Workshop
On Philosophical Logic
December 2th Mariela Rubin (UBA) and Joaquín Toranzo (UBA),  “Trivialidad Relativa”
December 9th Bruno Borge (UBA), “Estructura física y relaciones de dependencia”
December 16th  Ramiro Caso (UBA), “The Goodship Project and Absolute Generality”
December 23th  Eduardo Barrio (Conicet – UBA) “Models & Proofs: LFIs without a Canonical Interpretation”


March 6th Eleonora Cresto (Conicet) “Confirmational holism and theory choice: Arrow meets Quine”
March 13th Lavinia Picollo (Conicet – UBA) “Deflacionismo y Referencia”
March 20th Federico Pailos (Conicet – UBA) “A completeness proof for a LFI with a transparent truth predicate”.
March 27th Eduardo Barrio (Conicet – UBA) “Aserción, Desacuerdos y Paraconsistencia”
April 10th Eleonora Orlando (Conicet – UBA) “Files for fiction”
April 17th Nicolás Lo Guercio (Conicet – UBA) “Epistemic dependence and peer disagreement”.
April 24th Juan Redmond (Universidad de Valparaiso) “Lógica Dialógica”
May 8th Sergio Barberis (Conicet – UBA) “Multiple Realizability, Mechanisms and Levels of Organization”.
May 15th Lucas Rosenblatt (Conicet – UBA) “Teorías no-clásicas de la verdad: operacionales y subestructurales “
May 22th Diego Tajer (Conicet – UBA) “Logical rationality and diversity”
May 29th Ramiro Caso (UBA) “Being in disagreement”
June 5th Diana Pérez (Conicet – UBA) “Expresión, lenguaje y arte, desde la segunda persona”
June 12th Damian Szmuc (Conicet – UBA) “Limits of expressing self-reference in logics of Formal inconsistency and truth”
June 19th Paula Teijeiro (Conicet – UBA) “Superevaluar o Revisar”
June 26th Bruno DaRé (Conicet – UBA) “Omega inconsistencia y verdad: ¿compatibles?”
July 3th Carolina Sartorio (University of Arizona) “Omisiones, Causalidad y Responsabilidad”.
July 17th Nicolás Lo Guercio (Conicet – UBA) “Desacuerdos entre Pares Epistémicos: Problemas y Soluciones”
July 24th Luis Rosa (UniLa) “A logic of offline rationality”
July 31th Ignacio Ojea (Columbia University) “Game semantics for (some) Many-valued Logics”
August 7th Javier Castro Albano (UBA-UNR) “Lógica, verdad y verdadero en…”
August 14th Ramiro Caso (UBA) “Relativism and Chance”
August 21th IV Workshop on the Philosophy of Logic
August 28th Lavinia Picollo (Conicet – UBA) “Deflacionismo, Referencia y Paradojas”
September 4th Ariel Roffé (UBA) “La selección natural darwiniana y la genética de poblaciones”
September 11th Eduardo García Ramirez (UNAM) “Externismo, ficción y términos vacíos”.
September 18th Diego Tajer (Conicet – UBA) “Racionalidad lógica y diversidad”.
September 25th Mariela Rubin (UBA) “La Raya como Constante”
October 2nd Liza Skidelsky (Conicet – UBA) ”Facultad del lenguaje, especificidad de dominio”
October 9th Ramiro Caso (UBA), “Rescuing untyped pluralism?”
October 16th Damian Szmuc “Non-deterministic Classical Negation and Belnap-Dunn Logic”
October 23th Bruno Da Ré: “Teorías de la verdad omega-inconsistentes: el caso de PALTr”
October 30th Lucas Rosenblatt (Conicet-UBA) “Internalizing validity in (some) substructural logics.”
November 6th Santiago Ginnobili (Conicet – UBA) “Explicar y contrastar”.
November 13th Nicolás Lo Guercio (Conicet – UBA) “Higher-order suspension of judgment”
November 20th Damian Szmuc (Conicet – UBA) “Varieties of aboutness-preserving arguments”
November 27th Moretti’s Workshop
December 4th Christian De Ronde (Conicet) “Superposiciones cuánticas, lógicas paraconsistentes y realidad física”
December 18th Nicolas Clerbout (Universidad de Valparaiso) “Dialógica y plurivalencia: Panorama y nuevas direcciones” .
December 18th Paula Teijeiro (Conicet – UBA) “Sorites y Curry”